Thousands of Editable Templates and Forms
Creating professional certificates and awards is different from designing things like participation awards. Professional documents typically require a level of security and authentication to prove they are genuine; they are also tied to specific organizational bodies. PDFSimpli can help organizations easily create these professional documents in a matter of minutes.
Those in charge of designing or authorizing certificates and awards can search the database of available templates on the PDFSimpli platform. Once they choose an appropriate template, they can follow the step-by-step instructions to complete a professional-looking and secure form. The save file can be printed out and signed by hand or sent digitally and signed in the same way, making distribution simple.
SIMPLIFY YOUR WORKLOAD NOW!A professional certificate or award is a form of recognition. Professional certificates typically represent organizations and some level of training—an individual who possesses a professional certificate usually completed specific training and passed exams to receive the certification. An award is slightly different because it represents past service or career accomplishments.
There are many types of awards and certificates. Some awards are purely for show, but others are representative of real accomplishments. Also, professional certificates demonstrate specific knowledge or expertise in a career field. Some examples of certificates and awards include:
Certified Public Accountant
Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement
Chartered Financial Analyst (certification)
A certificate or award is a symbol of accomplishment or recognition. The form must contain several pieces of information to be considered valid or authentic. For one, it must include the name of the certifying body and the certificate title. Also, the document should include the recipient's name and the date and location of issuance. Finally, it should have the name and signature of the individual presenting the certificate.