Help Guide

Step-by-Step Instructions

Welcome to PDFSimpli!

This guide will teach you how to convert any document type into a PDF and how to convert a PDF into any document file of your choice.

In addition, you will learn how to edit your documents and make the most of our easy-to-use tools, such as Electronic Signature, Image Upload, Editable Text, Watermark and a variety of features that simplify document editing.

Also super useful, learn how to change the format of your document by learning how to merge, split, compress and many other options.

Have fun editing and converting, and remember, you can always press “Undo”. :)

-The PDFSimpli Crew

1. PDF Converter

If you don’t have an account yet, and want to convert a file to PDF
  1. Go to the homepage of and select “Upload PDF to Convert” or choose the correct file type you would like to convert.
    Image_1 Image_2
  2. You will be prompted to upload a document. (Please note: An error will occur if you choose the wrong document type).
  3. Once on the next page, you can choose to edit your document if you’d like as well. The directions to do so are located in this guide.
  4. Once finished, click “Convert” and your document is successfully converted.
  5. Click on the document and a list of options will appear. You can Download, edit, print,send, sign, or delete straight from this screen.

If you already have an account and just want to convert a document to PDF and make no edits
  1. Click on My AccountMy Documents
  2. Image_5
  3. You will land on a page titled "Documents", to the right, find and click what type of document you want to convert to a PDF (i.e. Convert Word to PDF). (Please note: An error will occur if you choose the wrong document type.)
  4. You will be prompted to upload a document. (Please note: An error will occur if you choose the wrong document type).
  5. Click on the document and a list of options will appear. You can Download, edit, print,send, sign, or delete straight from this screen.

2. PDF Editor

If you don’t have an account yet, and want to edit a PDF
  1. Go to the homepage of and choose Edit PDF.
  2. You will be prompted to upload a PDF. (Please note: An error will occur if you try to upload a non-pdf. To upload and edit a file other than a PDF, please see section 1. PDF Converter and follow those steps).
  3. Once on the next page, you can edit your document (directions in this guide).
  4. Once finished, click "Save" and your document is successfully edited.

If you already have an account and your document is already a PDF, and you want to edit it
  1. Click on My AccountMy Documents
  2. You will land on a page titled “Documents”, below that, click "Add New" and choose a document to upload.
  3. Now, click on Edit, and your PDF will open.
  4. All the Editing functions are explained throughout this guide if you need help.

If you don’t have an account yet, and want to edit a PDF
  1. Go to the homepage of and choose the desired option.
  2. You will be prompted to upload a PDF. (Please note: An error will occur if you try to upload a non-pdf. To upload and edit a file other than a PDF, please see section 1. PDF Converter and follow those steps.)
  3. All the Editing functions are explained throughout this guide if you need help.

  1. Click the Reset Icon.
  2. The Reset icon allows you to select and choose which past edits you would like to delete from your PDF, no matter if it was your last edit or your first edit made on the document.
  3. Click the “Reset” icon on the top and a list of edits on the left hand side will appear.Image_13
  4. Click on each individual edit to see in the PDF which edit it refers to, and click on the red “X” to delete the edit you want. To hide the list of edits, simply click the “Reset” icon again and it will close out.

3. e-Signature

If you already have an account and your document is already uploaded as a PDF.
  1. Click on My AccountMy Documents
  2. You will land on a page titled “Documents”, below that, click on the document you want to esign and a list of options will appear. Choose “Edit” and your document will open up.
  3. Click “Signature”.
  4. A pop-up will appear and you can add a signature in 4 different ways. modalsign
    1. To start, fill in the few Vital information fields and then click on ‘Create Your Signature’.
    2. First option, click “Type in Keyboard”. Simply type your name then initials and several options of a cursive signature will appear to choose from. Select your signature style.
    3. Second option, click “Draw with Mouse”. Simply draw your name then initials and a cursive signature will appear.
    4. Third option, click “Upload an Image”. Simply choose an image and upload your own signature image.
    5. Fourth option, click “Use Touchscreen”. Simply draw your name then initials and a cursive signature will appear.
  5. After you’ve chosen one of the above four options, click ‘Create’.
  6. You return to the PDF and add your Signature.
  7. Next, under ‘Fields’ select the ‘Signature’ and where your cursor is, click wherever you want the signature to appear. It appears with a blue box around it. You can move it by clicking inside the box and dragging to desired location.

    Note:You can resize the size of the Signature by selecting the ‘Settings’ gear/edit icon and then adjust the size accordingly.

  8. If you accidently delete your signature, or want to add more than one signature, click the “Signature” icon” to add an additional signature.
  9. Click “Save” to save your PDF.

4. Watermark

If you already have an account and your document is already uploaded.
  1. Click on My AccountMy Documents
  2. You will land on a page titled “Documents”, below that, click on the document you want to watermark and a list of options will appear. Choose “edit” and your document will open up.
  3. Now click the “Watermark” icon
  4. A pop-up will appear and you can add a watermark in 2 different ways.
    1. First you can click on “Text”. Simply type what you would like your to say.
    2. Second, you can click on “Image”. Simply upload your own watermark image.
  5. Click "Use It".
  6. You return to the PDF and your image or text will appear automatically in the center of the page as a watermark.
  7. Click “Save” to save your document.

5. Add Text, Images & Stamps

All of these features require you to convert a document type to PDF by step 1. PDF Convertor, or access your PDF by step 2. PDF Editor.

Text Functions

Text functions include Adding Text, Text Highlighting, Text Underlining, Text Strikethrough, Adding Images, Adding Shapes and Adding Stamps.

Add Text
  1. First click the “Text” icon to choose your font color.
  2. Second Click where you want your text to be and a cursor will appear, you can then type your desired text.
  3. Third select the “A” Icon.
  4. You are able to choose the color you would like your text to be.Image_29
  5. Once finished, double click and a red box will appear around your text.
  6. Click inside the box to move the text to where you need it.

Please note: you must have the desired font color and background chosen prior to typing your text. You will not be able to change it once you start typing.

Text Select Mode

This tool is used for selecting your desired text.

Text Highlight
  1. First click “Highlight”.
  2. Next, roll your cursor over the text you want to highlight. That’s it!

Text Underline
  1. First click the “Underline” Icon.
  2. Next, with the “Underline” icon selected run your cursor across desired text. That’s it!

Text Strikethrough
  1. First click the “More” icon to choose the Strikeout Icon.
  2. Next, with the “Strikeout” icon selected run your cursor across desired text. That’s it!

Adding Images
  1. You can add an image though the “Add Image” icon.
  2. Drag and drop your file in the box, or click the box to select your file.
  3. Choose your image and click the green “Insert” button to place it on your document.
  4. Now back to your PDF, a Signature icon is your cursor, click wherever you want the image to appear.Image_42
  5. The image will appear with a red box around it. You can resize it by dragging the corners of the box and move it by clicking inside the box and dragging to desired location.

  1. Click the “More Tools” sidebar.
  2. Select the “Stamp” Icon. When you select this icon a variety of options will appear for you to choose.
  3. Click on your choice, and a Stamp icon is your cursor, click wherever you want the stamp to appear.Image_45
  4. It appears with a red box around it. You can resize it by dragging the corners of the box and move it by clicking inside the box and dragging to desired location.

6. Free Drawing, Shapes, Lines & Arrows

Free Drawing
  1. Click the “Draw” icon, a drop down box will appear. Click the “Pencil” icon to get started.
    image_47Free draw
  2. If you choose to change the color and line width click the “Pointer” Icon.
  3. Once selected double click on the line you wish to change. When you double click on the like on the top right corner of the screen the option to change the color of the line and width will appear.Image_50
  4. However, you would have to change this for each separate stroke that is made so it's best to choose your color first.


Solid Square or Circle
  1. Choose either the “Eraser” or “Circle” icons to create a solid square or circle.
  2. Click and drag your cursor to the desired size of the shape.
  3. Change the color by double clicking on the shape after you’ve made it.
  4. Click the paint brush for the color selection.Image_54
  5. Click the corner boxes to resize your shape and drag to move your shape.

Square or Circle Outline (border/stroke only)
  1. Click the “Box” or “Circle Stroke” icons if you would only like the outline of a square or circle.
  2. Click and drag your cursor to start drawing your shape outline and let go when it's the size you desire.
  3. Change the line width and color by double clicking on the shape outline after you’ve made it.
  4. Click the “A” for the color selection to pop-up and drag the blue circle to desired line width.
  5. Click the corner boxes to resize your shape.


The “Polygon” icon allows you to create as many straight lines as you desire on different angles, and then closes the shape.

  1. To get started, click on the “Draw” icon.Image_60
  2. After, you will find the “Polygon” icon. Click the icon to get started.Image_61
  3. Click where you would like to start, then move your cursor and click again to create your desired shape or line. Repeat this as many times as you want.
  4. Double click when you are finished and the last line will connect itself to the shape so it's closed.
  5. Next, double click on the Polygon, in the top right coren an option will appear for changing the color of the line and the line width.Image_63
  6. Click on the “A” to change the color and drag the blue circle to change the line width.
  7. You can edit each line where you see a red square. Just pull and drag your cursor to the desired location.
  8. You can also move the Polygon wherever you want, click on your polygon and drag it to the desired location.

Line & Arrows


The Line and Arrow icon work identical to each other.

  1. Click on the “Draw” Icon.Image_67
  2. Select either the “Line’ or “arrow” icon.
  3. Click where you want your line/arrow to start and continue holding down the cursor, and drag to where you want your line/arrow to end and release the cursor.Image_69
  4. Next, double click on the line/arrow and a pop-up will appear where you can change the color and width of the line/arrow.Image_70
  5. Click on the “A” to change the color and drag the blue circle to change the line width.
  6. You can also move the line/arrow wherever you want, click on it and drag it to the desired location.

7. Erase, Redact & Highlight

All of these features require you to convert a document type to PDF by step 1. PDF Convertor, or access your PDF by step 2. PDF Editor.

  1. Click the “Eraser” icon. Click and drag the cursor over the text or image you would like to erase.
  2. You can make adjustments by pulling the corners of the eraser box to completely cover the area you wish to erase from the document. Click and drag the box to move to the desired location that you would like to erase as well.
  3. Click away from the eraser box and you’re done. As shown below the eraser removes the logo completely from the document.

  1. To Redact text from the document, Click the “Redact” icon.
  2. Click and drag the cursor to highlight over the text you would like to be covered. Image_79

Text Highlight
  1. To highlight your text, First click the “Highlight” icon.
  2. Next, roll your cursor over the text you want to highlight. That’s it!

8. Merge, Split, Compress & Rotate PDFs

  1. To merge your PDF’s, In your Documents, click “Merge PDF” from the “Quick Actions” menu on the right hand side of the screen.
  2. A pop-up prompting you to choose which PDFs you want to merge, will appear. Choose your PDFs and then click “Merge”.
  3. Your Merged PDF’s will upload to your Documents with an auto generated name.
  4. You can now Edit, Sign, Print or Download your Merged PDF.Image_85

  1. Click “Split PDF” from the “Quick Actions” menu on the right hand side of the screen.
  2. A pop-up prompting you to choose which PDF you want to split will appear. Choose the PDF and then click “Split”. Image_87
  3. It will upload to your Recent Documents. You must click “Download” to be able to access the Split pages of your PDF.
  4. A pop-up prompting you to choose a name and location to save, will appear. Click “Save”. Now, there will be a zipped folder containing your Split PDF pages and you can access the pages separately.

  1. To compress your documents, Click “Compress PDF” from the “Quick Actions” menu on the right hand side of the screen.
  2. A pop-up prompting you to choose a name and location to save, will appear. Click “Save”. Your Compressed PDF is now saved and accessible.Image_90
  3. It will upload to your Documents. You must click “Download” to be able to access the compressed PDF.Image_91
  4. Your Compressed PDF is now saved and accessible.

9. Edit and Arrange Pages

  1. Inside of the editor, Rotate your PDF by clicking “Arranger” at the top left corner of the editor.
  2. A pop up window will show and then you will click the “rotate” option.Image_93
  3. Select the page you would like to rotate and choose your desired rotation. Once finished click the green “apply” button and you're finished.

Add Page
  1. Inside of the editor, Add a Page to your PDF by clicking “Arranger” at the top left corner of the editor.image94
  2. A pop up window will show and then you will click the “rotate” option.Image_95
  3. Select the page you would like to Add. Once finished click the green “apply” button and you're finished.

Delete page
  1. Inside of the editor, delete a page to your PDF by clicking “Arranger” at the top left corner of the editor.Image_96
  2. A pop up window will show and then you will click the “Delete” option.Image_97
  3. Select the page you would like to Delete. Once finished click the green “apply” button and you're finished.

Move Page
  1. Inside of the editor, Move a Page of your PDF by clicking “Arranger” at the top left corner of the editor.Image_98
  2. A pop up window will show and then you will click the “Move Left” or “Move Right” option.Image_99
  3. Select the page you would like to Move and click the desired way you would like to move your page. Once finished click the green “apply” button and you're finished.