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How to split PDF pages online
Split and save a PDF file online in 4 simple steps:
- 1Click on "Upload PDF to Split" or select your file to drag and drop it in "Drop PDF Files Here."
- 2Make any edits you want to your document.
- 3Click "Convert" and select the desired file format.
- 4Download the converted file or share it with anyone.
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Edit anywhere, anytime
Split PDF files online from your mobile devices or desktop. PDFSimpli works with Google Drive, Dropbox and Microsoft OneDrive and it is compatible with Mac and Windows operating systems and all web browsers.No software installations are required
PDFSimpli requires no software download or extensions. Our PDF editor and PDF converter operate entirely online. All you need is an internet connection.We don’t store your information or keep your data on file. You can rest easy knowing that your personal documents and privacy are protected.
100% safe and secure
We don’t store your information or keep your data on file. You can rest easy knowing that your personal documents and privacy are protected.
Free editing tools, plus other valuable features
Get free access to our full suite of features and tools. Change text, insert images, fix typos, and more. Our user-friendly online editor makes it easy to create the perfect PDF. You can even add an electronic signature or watermark.
Fast and easy online conversion
Convert digital documents online from PDF to Word in just two clicks. It’s super simple and works in seconds.Technical expertise is not requiredTechnical expertise is not required
No technical knowledge is needed. Anyone can easily convert their PDF to a Word Document or a different file format online.
Got questions about online PDF splitting? We have answers!
All you need to know about PDF editing, conversion, compression, merging and more.

How To Save Time Editing Your Documents
In today’s increasingly digital world, we have all needed to edit a PDF at least once in our lifetimes. Software and built-in device capabilities make editing documents fairly easy.

How to Type on a PDF in 5 Simple Steps
Some people don’t know that you can type directly on a PDF form, but it is possible. In fact, the whole process can be very easy with PDFSimpli’s free PDF editing tools.

How To Add a PDF Digital Signature Electronically for Free
Contracts play a huge role in business. Whether you’re selling products or buying something, you need the right agreement.

How To Add Images to PDF Files
Quickly add an image to a PDF online and for free. PDF is a great option for sharing documents and a go-to for many people.

How to Compress PDF Files
File size makes a huge difference in online documents. If you want to add an awesome PDF infographic, for example, you want the file to be as small as possible.

How To Save as PDF in 5 Simple Steps
PDF is one of the most useful document formats out there. Its uses and functions are numerous, but it can sometimes be difficult to save as PDF.
Convert PDFs or any file now
Our software makes file conversions
for PDFs fast and simple.
Just upload a PDF or another document type
to get started.